You deserve prettier checks at a prettier price!
Fashion Checks is ready to help you find the checks that were made for you! Everyone has their own style and you know what you like. Fashion checks is a concept that offers you a way to mix or match your checks the same as you do with your clothes. Why not order checks right at your bank? They don't have the selection of designs we offer - OR the prices we offer! You can pay more for your checks, but you won't find better checks, better customer service or a better selection of personal fashion checks. You can have checks that are uniquely you, or checks for special occasions, look around and see how many designs would go just right with your life.
One of Our Unique Flowers Checks Designs

Close up Detail of One Design in our Flower Checks - See More Floral Designs
Fashion Checks thinks it's a shame that people settle for plain old checks and usually pay more than they need to when they order replacement checks. That is so yesterday! Now you can have checks that get your message out with each payment. Checks to tell the world who they're dealing with. The real you might be plain parchment checks, and if that's your preference, you get to express yourself for as little as $6.99. Not on a today-only special or on your first order only. That is the price - anytime and everytime you need checks.
Find the Perfect Checks and Address Labels for You!
Unique, pretty designs don't have to break the bank either. Whatever excites you can be had on your checks whether you're into sports, nature, wildlife, pets or flowers, tropical plants, holidays - just an endless array of choices. There is a personal check design to fulfill your wishes and express you perfectly. You can even order designs with your OWN images, made just for you!